We are delighted to support the work of Fallen Angels who are the only organisation in the UK to provide exceptional dance theatre experiences for people whose lives have been impacted by mental health or addiction challenges.
Established in Chester in 2011 by professional dancers Paul Bayes Kitcher and Claire Morris, the concept was inspired by Pauls’ own lived experience of addiction and recovery and the complex barriers those suffering face. Their approach therefore uses creative activities to promote both well-being and inclusion throughout the recovery process.
Fallen Angels provide a range of movement, wellbeing and mindfulness classes, as well as providing specific groups for women, encouraging them to move, be creative and connect with others to help support mental health. In classes, movements are often inspired by key words for example ‘confidence’ or ‘resistance’ which often enables participants to express their feelings when they can’t do this with words.
Performance is a key part of Fallen Angels work and a vital way to promote their work to wider audiences. There is no pressure to perform however, just to connect and get involved as and when they feel comfortable. For some, it provides a vital springboard for their ongoing development and after the initial 8 week program, it enables them to take their next steps forward. For others, it becomes a crucial lifeline for years, providing valuable support and reassurance.
Many of those who attend the classes are referred from mental health organisations. Our funding is helping them to provide their vital outreach programme. This enables them to run taster sessions and engage on a small group basis with those who could really benefit from their approach and support but may be hesitant or lack confidence to try it. They also are able to provide much needed follow up to support participation.
Having been given the wonderful opportunity to watch a rehearsal, it is clear to see that it provides an amazing safe haven and valuable skills for all ages and abilities whose lives have been impacted by mental health or addiction challenges.
One participant’s experience meant they ‘felt true pride and a sense of self-worth’.
The regular sessions not only focus on dance, but help to raise participants confidence and positive attitude towards recovery and helping others.